Sunday, October 5, 2014

This Blogger's Challenge: Day 2-3 (Weekend)....

Optimism has not diminished. I'm still excited and up to the challenge, yet, life with a 5 year old takes priority. I find, even as life happens, I'm living this challenge in so many ways. Over the lasts 72 hours I have been reflecting on my career as an educator. I've reflected on where I was when I began teaching and how all the opportunities I have been fortunate to experience--have molded me into the educator I am today.
So, enough mushie stuff, right? All of these periods of reflection leads me right back to this challenge. (Days 2-4 to be precise)

Day 2 Challenge. What form of technology would I like to try out this year? That's interesting. Don't laugh. Even an iTech has areas of improvement. OK. Here goes. I want to try out an iPad. Yes. I said it. An iPad. Weirdly enough. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.

OK. So Shaina, why did you say a technology tool that millions of people use on a daily basis? Well, ladies and gentlemen, Mrs. Glass is an Android Chic and proud of it! I have everything Android or Chrome or Google based...and LOVE it. However, I now own an iPod Touch, and was provided with an iPad and iPhone and I don't utilize them at all. Sad. I know. My daughter has a tablet and Kindle Fire and this weekend was the first time she saw an iPad and can you believe it, she LOVES it. I must say, it's the apps. So, with this, and for my child's sake, I'm going to finally break down and figure out what all the commotion is about Apple Products. I can't make any promises but I'll give it the old college try. Wish me LUCK!

Day 3 Challenge: One observation area that I would like to improve on...

Not sure if you all know this, but last school year was my last year in the classroom. It was tough (and still is) but, Friday, June 6, 2014, was my last day as a teacher. With this, came my final teacher observation. It was bitter sweet but I always go over my results to look for what areas I still need to work on. For me, that lucky area is ORGANIZATION. For those of you that got the opportunity to visit my classroom knew that this was not a priority. The kids were. Their work was EVERYWHERE! Projects! Projects! Projects galore. My room started as my own painter's canvas and it was a work in progress until the very last day of school! It was constantly updated--striving for perfection.
----Did you hear the word organization is that description anywhere? Let me answer that: NOPE! Which is frightening, now that I'm an iTech. This job is all logistics and maintaining priorities...Y'all pray for me. I am a work in progress, so is my desk, my office,and I'll stop there. Reason: Google is my BFF! We are close. Two peas in a pod. Google has heard my cry and is assisting in organization what's in my mind to to speak. I'm organizing my thoughts with DRIVE...and they are categorized in folders.As I communicate others, Google sorts, prioritizes and keeps track of all of my emails. And so that I don't forget, ANYTHING!, Google holds me together with Calendar and Tasks! So, let's just see if I can keep improving or my weakest strand....I'm still a work in progress!

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